Welcome to Suchagreatapp!

We are a specialized digital design agency focusing on the development of Platforms and Apps. 

Internal Digital Design Agency

Our primary assignment is to act as an internal Digital Design Agency for the Venture Studio Oneday Lab.

Oneday Lab is specialized in developing new high-impact, high-potential businesses. 

External Clients

We also have the privilege to work with an exclusively selected group of external clients assisting them with the development of outstanding UI/UX design and digital prototypes. 

Passion Projects

We aim at spending at least 25% of our time on what we call our "Passion Projects". 

We define a Passion Project as a new potential Platform or App that we feel strongly connected to and which has the potential to benefit either people, the planet or both. 

Our free Agent force - is our strategic choice

As each of our projects varies on both content, size and complexity, we have designed a flexible and highly qualified force of partners and free agents. With this kind of virtual organization / talent network, we can always bring the best people to the table. If you want to be a part of our highly qualified force, please feel free to contact us.