At Suchagreatapp we do user studies and design Digital Prototypes to visualize ideas and collect important user feedback in a simple and fast way.
TESTDRIVE your ideas!
A prototype is a very powerful tool to sharpen your idea and get the right feedback - from both existing customers, future users, employees, investors and other stakeholders.
Our TESTDRIVE is a short creative process. The goal is to sharpen the app concept and - on the basis of user studies - clarify the main architecture and design identity of the App in a limited version of the final prototype (fast prototyping).
The Testdrive product contains;
The App functionality (menu and function bar) as well as the design of the intro/onboarding and 'front page'.
A visual description of the overall function flow and design of selected frames in the flow.
Design Identity.
As we love to support new innovative projects or start-ups, our TESTDRIVE starts at DKK 25.000,-
The TESTDRIVE product forms the basis of the final design of the prototype, and can with great benefit be used for preliminary User Tests.
On the basis of the TESTDRIVE product, we prepare a time estimate and a fixed offer for the next step; the construction and design of the final interactive High-fidelity prototype.
This step contains;
Mapping of all functions in userflows.
Building the wireframe of the App.
Design of all important frames (or all).
The process ends up in a fully designed interactive prototype.
If you just have an early idea for an app product that you want to develop with us, we will design an extended TESTDRIVE with an initial product development process.
We are passionate about product development and good ideas, and would very much like to take the whole journey with you!